These BBA blog posts offer insights into ensuring that community voices inform school improvement efforts, and strategies to reduce racial and socioeconomic segregation:

  • In Blowing our Diversity Advantage, Elaine Weiss and Century Foundation Senior Fellow Richard Kahlenberg argue that excessive focus on test scores is depriving our schools and students of the rich opportunities offered by our uniquely diverse student body.
  • Fiscal Crisis or Physical Crisis, co-authored with Philadelphia eighth grade teacher Elizabeth Hoyson, illustrates the endemic starving of schools serving low-income students of color and the critical need to call out these injustices.
  • Marc Tucker cites reams of facts to back the assertion of BBA co-chair Pedro Noguera, the Advancement Project’s Judith Brown-Dianis, and Schott Foundation President John Jackson that addressing poverty’s impacts, rather than test-based teacher evaluations, is the right direction for a civil rights-oriented education policy framework.